Miyerkules, Agosto 7, 2013

My Philosophy of Education

       Teaching indeed is a noble profession. This doesn’t make us rich in just a snap. Others in fact, have to spend at their own expenses for the materials they need just to make learning effective. One must also have passion and must be dedicated to his/her work.
          I really admire those teachers who show passion in their profession. These are the teachers who extend their time to the pupils who need them most. This is the reason why I decided to become a teacher. When I was still a kid, I knew that I would really become a teacher when I grow up. In fact, I used to play with my cousins where I acted as a teacher and they were my pupils.
I still remember how fond I was in one of my grade school teachers. I really like this teacher. I learned a lot from her. I like her way of teaching. I felt her dedication and patience inside her. She was actually one of the reasons why I was motivated to become a teacher. I wanted to become a passionate and dedicated teacher just like her. I wanted to inspire others just like how she inspired me.
          After sleepless nights of hardships and toils, I am proud to say that I made it. I am now a teacher! But, I realized that being a teacher is not that easy. I learned this the first time I worked as a real teacher with real pupils. I spent a lot of time to adjust with them. I really had to extend my patience in dealing with them especially to those who need more attention.
I’ve been teaching for about four years already. And with this span of years, I was able to encounter different kinds of learners with different abilities. At first, it was hard for me to handle them but with the help of my co-teachers who are more experienced than me, I was able to cope up with their needs. And as a teacher, I have to understand that not all pupils are the same. As their teacher, I have to do my part in teaching those things they ought to learn based on their capacity. I have to be flexible enough in order to become an effective teacher. I also have to be firm when it comes to disciplinary action. When I give instructions, I see to it that everyone is able to understand every detail of it.
Seeing my pupils’ development is a self-fulfillment for me as a teacher. Knowing that they get good grades or pass in my exam overwhelm me. This serves as my inspiration to give them more of what I could give them in their learning process. But of course, I have to admit this fact that there are really some pupils who struggle in their studies. There are pupils who are not monitored by their parents at home. As a result, some would come without assignments or would even get low scores during quizzes. Being their teacher, I have to extend my time with these pupils to help them cope up with the lessons.
Just like my teacher before, I also want to inspire my pupils. I want them to persevere and do well in their studies. I may not be a perfect teacher but I do my very best just to help them learn and develop their skills and prepare them for their next flight for them to soar high as the famous line goes “Children are born with wings. We, teachers help them to fly.”

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